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Information related to West Papua that you need to know.

West papua resist


Source: Medcom
Photo of Demonstration in Jayapura on Monday (19/08/2019)

Source : Medcom
Photo Mass set fire to the West Papua Parliament building (19/08/2019)

Source: CNBC
Photo of riots in Wamena and Jayapura 19/8/2019.

In the past two years, the turmoil in the land of West Papua has been heating up. Initially starting from racist slurs in Surabaya, the conflict then spreads to its climax with uncontrollable bloody tragedy in Wamena and Jayapura. The tragedy took its toll and public facilities were damaged. Does Indonesian government regard West Papua as a stepchild? Is it true that the Papuan race is marginalized and different from other ethnic groups? Are the efforts to deal with the racist conflict being taken just as lip service? Or maybe there were other interests that took the advantages of this situation so that the escalation can no longer be prevented.

On 16 and 17 August 2019, several Papuan students in Surabaya were treated unpleasantly in the form of racist speech from several Indonesian military personnel who shouted the word "monkey" at the students. The case then heated up and provoked a protest reaction from various solidarity of Papuan people. After the incident, the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawangsa, directly expressed her apology on August 19, 2019.

A month after the event, massive demonstrations took place in Wamena and Jayapura in West Papua, and ended in chaos. This rally was suspected of being initiated by a Papuan independence activist group. It was because racial issues befell Papuan students were difficult to handle and different from other racism conflicts that have occurred in Indonesia. This further indicated that the Jayapura and Wamena riots were actually ridden by the interests of independence activists. Through various opportunities, the issue of racism then escalated into a separatism issue. Moreover, the riot was close to the date of the 2019 UN session.

Racism and #PapuaLivesMatter

Source: The Conversation
Photo of Papuan activists shouts slogans during a rally in Jakarta, Indonesia, 22 August 2019.

The explosion of the "Black Lives Matter" movement in the United States was closely related to the racist speech issue in Surabaya. Experiencing the same fate, the Papuan people finally used the jargon "Papua Lives Matter" in every protest they carried out. Then, could these two events just be equated? Did they have anything in common historically? Or was it only limited to the "momentum" which was trying to be used to climb popularity?

In the mid-2020s, the current heating up of Black Lives Matter movement in the world was used again by separatist activists by carrying the Papua Lives Matter hashtag. This was also done around the 2020 UN session, but the mass escalation failed to turn into a riot and was not as big as the Wamena-Jayapura riots in 2019. In the last two years, several names were proven to have initiated riots and were prosecuted to become political prisoners.

History of Why west Papua Wants to be Independent?

Source: Alaraby.co

Indonesian government has always claimed that West Papua is an integral part of the Indonesian sovereignty. However, another history records that West Papua once declared independence after being colonized by the Dutch. Are the history textbooks worth to be trusted that West Papua is the legal territory of Indonesia?

Mixed narratives and claims between separatist movements and Indonesian government continue to occur. Separatist groups still exploit the historical dualism of the past and use it as the basis for the Papuan independence struggle. Separatism also continues to develop both at home and abroad organizationally. However, there are indications that those organizations are also not harmonious with each other. Each of them has different interests and supporters.

West Papua and the President of Indonesia

Source: FotoKita Grid
Warmest greetings Indonesian President Joko Widodo being greeted with a traditional Papuan welcome as he arrives in Arfak, West Papua.

Source: FotoKita Grid
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received remarks from residents of Arfak Mountain District, West Papua, during a visit (27/10/2019).

Papuans have been suing for crimes against human rights committed by President Soeharto. Yes, it cannot be denied that Suharto also left many scars not just in West Papua but also other parts of the Republic of Indonesia. At other times, the land of West Papua has also been peaceful under the leadership of President Abdurrahman Wahid. Then, will the conflict in West Papua continue to grow between West Papua and the Republic of Indonesia? Or just the up and down according to state leaders policies?

From year to year, Indonesian government continues striving to fight for Papuans interests through various policies. After the stinging wounds left by Suharto during his leadership period, President Habibie initiated the dialogue, Gur Dur expressed his apologies, and finally pro-Papuan programs continued to be launched by several presidents after that. Until the last few years, the development in West Papua continues to be massive. Especially in the development of basic needs such as education, health, infrastructure, etc. Through this step, Indonesia is slowly coming to answer the needs of indigenous Papuans.

Behind the Internationalization of West Papua: Politics & Money

Source: Twitter
Benny Wenda carrying the West Papuan flag.

The Free Papua Movement claims that their struggle so far is the struggle for the rights of indigenous Papuans. In some countries, however, the separatist movement has never been a genuine struggle despite the large agenda lurking behind it. What is the hidden agenda behind the Free Papua movement campaign? Does the movement really come from the voice of the Papuan people or are there other interests behind it?

The separatist movement cannot stand alone. The involvement and support from various parties make the Papuan independence movement continue to exist. Various foreign political interests as well as the economic interests of several countries have tried to provide support for this movement. For example Ralph Regenvanu, the one who used this issue for the benefit of the Vanuatu election in 2020.

The use of Papuan independence issues by several political and economic interests groups are quite far from the basic ideals of them. In fact, independence activist needs and focus are not purely based on the voices of indigenous Papuans, but rather accommodate some interests of movement sponsors.

Should west Papua be Free?

Source: Detik

The state, Indonesia, has never been present in West Papua. Indonesia only considers West Papua as a stepchild waiting to be exploited. There is no pro-Papuan policy, no development in accordance with the needs and interests of indigenous Papuans. Are all the rumors true? What are the policies that have been carried out by the Indonesian government towards West Papua? Is Indonesia trying to provide welfare to the Papuan people like any other province and region?

The Indonesian government has tried to continue to investigate the mastermind behind the riots in the last two years. And at the same time also Indonesian government continues to carry out development according to the basic needs of indigenous Papuans. We hope that the people are not be biased in seeing that this separatist movement is the right effort for Papuans for some reason:

  1. The Papuan independence movement is not a pure struggle movement voicing the needs of indigenous Papuans, but a movement that is deliberately managed by several entities with certain interests.

  2. Organizations that fight for Papuan independence are not united within one voice and this shows differences in support for the interests of each organization.

  3. The racism issue, causing the major riots in the last two years, has launched a planned movement and used to perpetuate the interests of separatists and their accomplices.

  4. The massive development carried out by the government in West Papua in the past 5 years aims to make indigenous Papuans have better quality of life and also like other provinces in Indonesia.

Questions and Answers on Papua

1. Why does West Papua want to get independence?

The integration process of West Papua back to Indonesia is not easy. If we look back, the Dutch had colonized Indonesia for 320 years. The history of West Papua started from 1945, where Indonesia declared that the former Dutch colonial territory belonged to Indonesia, from Aceh to West Papua in the Linggadjati Agreement. However, the Dutch broke that agreement by executing the Dutch Military Aggression or Operatie Product 1 and 2 in 1947.

To support the military aggression, the Dutch used the “devide et impera” strategy (divide and conquer) from 1947 until 1948. The strategy is a combination of political, military, and economic plans to gain and maintain power by dividing large groups into smaller groups so that they were easier to conquer. The Dutch implemented their plan by establishing puppet states in West Papua, East Sumatra, Madura, Pasundan, South Sumatra, and East Java. Until 4 years after our independence, the Dutch refused to let West Papua go.

About this incident, Indonesia had refused to keep still. At that moment, the only way to maintain our sovereignty was by fighting back. To maintain independence, Indonesia held the Round Table Conference (in Indonesian: Konferensi Meja Bundar) in 1949. One of the agreements was for the transfer of West Papua from the Dutch to Indonesia within a year. And the Dutch broke that agreement by giving false promises of independence on 1 December 1961, flag and national anthem.

Until 1969, Indonesia held a referendum called “The Act of Free Choice” (PEPERA). In this process, West Papua was allowed to determine whether or not they wanted to spend their future with Indonesia. And PEPERA Consultative Council was formed, consisting of 400 tribal leaders, 360 regional leaders, and 266 other figures from various community groups. The Act of Free Choice was witnessed by 9 members of the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority (UNTEA) with attending countries such as Iran, the United States, France, Pakistan, India, the Philippines, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand; certainly according to international law at that time.

Source: Papua News
Implementation of the Act of Free Choice (PEPERA) in West Papua

The integration proceeded at the 24th UN General Assembly on November 19, 1969, when the UN General Assembly had voted for the draft resolution, which was submitted between Indonesia and the Dutch, resulted in 84 support votes, 0 reject vote, and 30 abstains votes. The results confirmed that West Papua was accepted and legitimated as part of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. In the end, the Act of Free Choice has been approved by the international community through the UN Resolution 2504, which confirmed the transfer of the territory of West Papua from the Dutch to Indonesia. The sad thing is until now there are still those who are lulled by Dutch fake independent promises are the handful of people who want West Papua to be independent.

2. Why are there some independent separatist groups in West Papua?

These separatist groups were created from the Dutch’s divide and conquer tactics to prevent the unification of the Republic of Indonesia. The Dutch carried out 2 military aggressions and tried to divide Indonesia into 7 puppet states of East Sumatra, Madura, Pasundan, South Sumatra, East Java, East Indonesia, and West Papua. The Dutch chose a leader, gave a flag, and assigned the national anthem for each of the puppet states; including West Papua, so that the Dutch could still control the area.

Source: Gelora.com
A Dutch woman is sewing the Morning Star flag in October 1961, before it was first used on December 1, 1961.

However, these divisive efforts were thwarted by Indonesia which urged the Dutch to recognize Indonesia's sovereign independence from Aceh to West Papua through the New York Agreement. This recognition was legitimated by the results of the 1969 Act of Free Choice (PEPERA) which was endorsed by the UN through UN Resolution 2504 that West Papua was part of Indonesia. PEPERA is carried out by the PEPERA Deliberative Council consisting of 400 tribal chiefs, 360 local figures, and 266 other figures from various community groups, supported by the United Nations.

The early Free Papua Movement (OPM) was founded by the Dutch to fight Indonesia during the Devide and Conquer era, to prevent the unification of Indonesia. We can see statement from the Nicolaas Jouwe, One of the OPM Founders, that “The OPM was actually organized by Dutch officers, who founded and became trainers of the Papua Vrijwilligers Corps (Papuan Volunteer Corps), which was established by the Dutch during the closing hours when the Dutch wanted to surrender West Papua. They established it so that Papua would stand up against Indonesia.”

Source: Twitter
Papua Vrijwilligers Corps led by Ferry Awom (1961-1962) and the embryo (OPM-TPNPB).

Apart from OPM, there are other Papuan separatist factions, among which are KNPB, ULMWP, OPM-TPNPB, and NFRPB separatist groups, each with their own economic and political agendas. The separatist groups want to create some provocation with the intention to create the conflict between ethnic groups in West Papua. There is even a power struggle which can be seen from the many separatist leaders who claim to be the president of West Papua, like KNPB with its president Victor Yeimo, ULMWP with its president Benny Wenda, OPM-TPNPB with its president Jeffry Bomanak, and the NFRPB with its president Forkorus Yaboisembut.

Stabbing each other’s back, these separatist groups only think about their own group interests for position, power, and funding. ULMWP pointed fingers at OPM-TPNPB for violence-based struggle. Meanwhile, OPM-TPNPB accused ULMWP of making money by selling Free Papua issues.

Moreover, Papuan separatists even have 3 different independence dates. ULMWP stated that 1 December was the day of the declaration of independence by the Dutch. However, the founders of the OPM, Seth Rumkorem and Jacob Prai, denied the claim and stated that July 1, 1971 was the day of independence coincided with the founding of OPM. Not to be outdone, Thomas Wainggai claims to have founded West Melanesia on December 14, 1988. These three different dates of independence day has further clarified the absurdity of the movement that revolves around the struggle for money and power of each separatist group.

3. Is West Papua lacking in development?

In recent years, West Papua is going through many developments, and compared to the Pacific Islands countries around the region, West Papua is a lot more advanced. The Indonesian government has been putting a lot of effort to better the welfare of the people in West Papua, proven by:

West Papua has 48 airports, the most number of airports in Pacific Island

Bandara Domine Eduard Osok (DEO) di Sorong, Papua Barat.

Source: Kumparan
Sentani Airport, West Papua.

Today, West Papua is one of the regions in Indonesia that have the most number of airports in Indonesia or even the Pacific countries.

By 2019, West Papua has 48 airports and 15 seaports. The grandest one was finished in October 2019, the Sorong’s Domine Eduard Osok Airport. I believe that airports are the gate of every region. It attracts tourists to come and explore West Papua. I read somewhere in the news that statistically, around 44.000 domestic and international tourists visited West Papua every year.

Trans-Papua Road

Source: Info Presiden

You can see these two articles The Jakartapost & Detik.com.
From these articles, we can see the construction of 4,330 km Trans-Papua Roads, which will be completed in March 2020. The residents of West Papuans can sell produce to the city quickly by using the Trans Papua road.

"Papua Bangkit Stadium" or The Rising Papua Stadium

Source: Facebook
The Rising Papua Stadium

This is "Stadium Papua Bangkit" or The Rising Papua Stadium, the grandest and second-largest stadium in Indonesia. With an area of 13.7 hectares, Papua Bangkit Stadium is the largest sports stadium in the Pacific and already has international and FIFA standards. This stadium is built in preparation for the 2020 National Sports Week (PON). The location of this stadium is on the edge of the road between Sentani and Jayapura.

The Youtefa Bridge

Source: RCTIplus
The Youtefa Bridge

The Youtefa Bridge in Youtefa Bay that finished in October 2019. If we see this bridge, it looks like the Golden Gate San Francisco Bridge. This bridge is located in Jayapura, West Papua. This bridge connects Holtekamp with Hamadi by the span of 1,332 meters (732 meters of the bridge and 600 meters of pile slab) and an access road of 9,950 meters, with a road width of 16 meters. And the view that we can see from the bridge is very fantastic! You can read this article to know more about this bridge, CNN INDONESIA

Health Care

Right now, the quality of public health is an essential element for Human Rights in West Papua. Around 3 million West Papuans now have access to free healthcare given by the Indonesian government. This program aims to reduce maternal and infant mortality, providing the fundamental rights to live.

Free Education

In other fields, the youth here are benefiting from free education through the Smart Indonesia Program, which is provided by the governments to every student in West Papua so they can go to school for free. Today, about 13,461 high school students in West Papua and 4,669 vocational students in 290 schools in West Papua have accepted the program. It makes the development in West Papua better than the other Pacific countries. West Papua’s Human Development Index is about 0.694, higher than Solomon Islands (0.546), and Papua New Guinea (0.544).

Fast Internet with Palapa Ring

Nowadays, a high-speed internet network can be accessed from Sabang in the west to Merauke in the east, from the northernmost island of Miangas to the southernmost island of Rote. The Palapa Ring network was constructed in stages starting from the western region, which was completed in 2018. The central region's network was completed early this year. The eastern part, the last on the system, included 42 districts and cities in Papua, West Papua, Maluku, and East Nusa Tenggara. The fast internet access has spread on West Papua; in the Arfak Mountains, Wondama Bay, Bintuni Bay, and other regions. Internet speed can reach 10Mbps in the villages and 20Mbps in the cities.

Source: Republika
Palapa Satelite

There aren't many who take the time to research what happened in West Papua. Most people tend to believe what has been spread on the internet, regardless of the truth. With Indonesia, West Papua's development is on the right track.

4. Is West Papua neglected during Joko Widodo's presidency?

The Indonesian government under the presidency of Joko “Jokowi'' Widodo has tried to make equal development programs in Indonesia that will give some benefit to all the regions and reducing Indonesia’s Java-centric Development by making new method in developing the infrastructure in all regions especially all over the Outer Islands of Indonesia. This is the main purpose, which also is a good step to reduce the development gap in Indonesia. West Papua as the largest and easternmost province of Indonesia was given a special autonomy that gave larger attention for their development by the government.

The government tried to make equal development programs in Indonesia that benefit all the regions by making some move in developing the infrastructure all over Indonesia especially all over the Outer Islands. When Indonesian President Joko Widodo took office in October 2014, he made it clear that one of his key domestic policies was to develop and upgrade infrastructure across the Indonesian’s archipelago. The massive growth of infrastructure by the government is one of the things that make West Papua better. President Jokowi was also directly involved in launching Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2020 concerning the acceleration of the development of Papua and West Papua provinces.

Besides that, West Papua is also very special because it has special autonomy funds that other regions don't have to guarantee. This Special Autonomy has been protecting the rights of Indigenous Papuans (OAP) such as education, health and the economy. Through the Special Autonomy Fund, West Papua has received Rp. 126.9 trillion in Otsus funds since 2001. Even in 2021, the special autonomy fund and infrastructure will be increased to Rp 12.2 trillion. And this Special Autonomy will be increased to IDR 4.3 trillion in 2021, infrastructure development will continue in Papua. Beside the funding, the Special Autonomy also gives The indigenous West Papua authority to become leaders in their own regions. Evidenced by 2 governors and 2 deputies, 42 regents and deputies, as well as the chairman and deputy DPRD are Indigenous West Papua.

Through the special autonomy fund, there have also been 400 students who have received scholarships abroad, because 30 percent of the 127 trillion special autonomy funds are used for the education of Papuan students. Beside that, since 2017, Papuan mothers have felt the Special Autonomy fund of Rp. 121.5 billion, which has been disbursed for the Papua Generation and Family Welfare (BANGGA) program to eliminate stunting or malnutrition experienced by 32% of children in Papua.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo has also launched a One Price Fuel policy. This policy was motivated by the high price of fuel in several regions, especially in Eastern Indonesia. Underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost areas are the focus of the Government in implementing the One Price Fuel program. To support this policy, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has stipulated Ministerial Regulation Number 36 of 2016 concerning the Acceleration of Enforcement of One Price for Certain Types of Fuel and National Assignment Special Fuel Types. This Ministerial Regulation mandates that petroleum distribution business entities establish distributors in certain locations, namely locations where a certain type of fuel is not yet available and a special type of fuel is assigned so that the public can buy fuel at a retail price set by the government.

Source: papuanlivesmetter.com
Papua Provincial Government Program as Efforts to Welfare of the Papuan People.

From this there are so many changes in development in West Papua since Jokowi’s government. West Papua is going through many changes, many developments, and I think West Papua's development is really on the right track. Everything in West Papua was built in a relatively short time to fulfill the people's needs immediately.

5. Why do many foreign political parties abroad support the Free West Papua Movement?

A photo of Australian Green Party member, Adam Bandt, using the Free Papua flag pin on his jacket while shaking hands with the Indonesian President Joko Widodo during the President visitation in Canberra, Australia, went viral. I think the Green Party takes the chance of using the Free Papua issue to raise the electability of the unpopular party.

Photo of Adam Bandt (right), chairman of the Green Party who was just inaugurated when he met and greeted President Joko Widodo (Left) with a pin of the Free Papua flag pinned to his coat, Canberra (10/2/20)

Try to read this article CNN and BBC News. After the public lost their trust in the Australian Green Party, especially because of the bushfire case, the Greens are desperately trying to find a way back to the political stage by using the West Papua issue.

These articles: The Chronicels and ABC.net show us how the Green Party was no strangers to sexual misconduct. There has been a number of serious scandals involving NSW Greens, including anti-Semitism and sexual assault in Australia. Adam Bandt as a Greens co-deputy leader targeted by anti-Semitism after posting hate post that negatively depicting Jews and Nazi-related images. But then, he is quick to talk big on supporting Free West Papua and said that West Papua must be encouraged to uphold human rights. We can see that they raise West Papua’s issue to cover up their internal problems.

And as I know Those foreign actors have 32 facebook pages promoting West Papua anarchists and supremacists separatists with similar names and users behavior with some admins located in Australia and New Zealand. Those fishy foreign actors who support the separatists groups consist of political parties, individual actors, even NGO and companies for the sake of economy, political, even personal agenda. Separatists are closely linked with political parties in Australia and New Zealand such as the Australian Green Party and the New Zealand Green Party. Both parties are taking advantage of the Free Papua issue for the sake of fame. Like the Australian Green Party’s motive is to raise political electability after the failure of the Green Party to overcome Australian bushfire. This support also aims to divert public attention from various Green Party issues including sexual harassment, bullying, and anti-semitic problems.

Not only parties, companies also have interests in the separatism business. Companies like Rio Tinto (an Australian mining company) are raising separatist issues to divert public attention from environmental damage. Why did political parties and company support separatists’ atrocities? Seems like power and money are more important than humanities! Their motives are identical with the Dutch during their colonial era over Indonesia, full of tricks and gimmicks for the sake of economic benefit!

Besides political parties, there are also individual actors who use the issue of separatism for personal gain. Izzy Brown and other separatists supporters spotted anarchically invading privacy, climbing fences without permission in front of the Indonesian Consulate (12/1). Another extreme individual separatists supporter is Anthony Craig. He aspires to build a new political party with his name, using separatism as a slogan on social media. Also, attorney Jennifer Robinson from Australia and Veronica Koman from Indonesia (currently in Australia). They are 2 lawyers who use the Free Papua issue to step up their career and get hired in a top-notch law firm. Since handling the West Papua issue, Jennifer has now become a well-known lawyer in London, while Veronica received an award from the Australian Council for International Development.

On top of that, there are some highly suspicious foreign organizations that are made to only focus on the Free Papua issue such as Make West Papua Safe Australia that was founded by activist Jason McLeod in 2018 who are affiliated with politicians and co-founded by New Zealand activist Maire Leadbeater, sister to New Zealand Green Party politician Keith Locke. All parties in New Zealand who have interest in West Papua have the same funding motives, which is for political, economy, and personal gain.

The Free West Papua movement has indeed become a sexy fishing grounds for separatists and their supporters to gain money and power. Separatists and their networks including NGOs, political parties, and individuals, have long been deceiving people, perpetuating conflict and misery for West Papuans for the sake of power and money.

6. Why are there so many independent West Papuan organizations?

The separatist groups want to create some provocation with the intention to create the conflict between ethnic groups in West Papua. They are the few people who want to separate West Papua from Indonesia, like KNPB (West Papua National Committee) with its president Victor Yeimo, ULMWP (United Liberation Movement for West Papua) with its president Benny Wenda, OPM-TPNPB (West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) Free Papua Organization (OPM)) with its president Jeffry Bomanak, and the NFRPB (Federal State of the Republic of West Papua) with its president Forkorus Yaboisembut.

Benny Wenda, leader of separatist group ULMWP.

Jhon Gobay, leader of the separatist group AMP.

Jeffrey Bomanak,
leader of separatist group OPM.

Forkorus Yoboisembut,
leader of separatists group NFRPB

These Papuan separatism itself is a by-product of the Dutch’s devide-et-impera tactic to prevent Indonesia’s unity by creating 7 puppet states, of East Sumatra, Madura, Pasundan, South Sumatra, East Java and East Indonesia, including West Papua, in the colonial era to prevent the unification of the Republic of Indonesia. At that time, the Dutch chose a leader, gave a flag, and assigned the national anthem for each of the puppet states; including West Papua, so that the Dutch could still control the area.

However, these divisive efforts were thwarted by Indonesia which urged the Dutch to recognize Indonesia's sovereign independence from Aceh to West Papua through the New York Agreement. This recognition was legitimated by the results of the 1969 Act of Free Choice (PEPERA) which was endorsed by the UN through UN Resolution 2504 that West Papua was part of Indonesia. PEPERA is carried out by the PEPERA Deliberative Council consisting of 400 tribal chiefs, 360 local figures, and 266 other figures from various community groups, supported by the United Nations.

After all this time, many parties claim to be the leader of West Papua. These parties might have been sponsored by large corporations that have interests in West Papua issues: mining companies will naturally be attracted to West Papua’s abundant natural resources. For example, in 2019, the UK Labour Party even showed a clear political interest when creating the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on West Papua, chaired by UK Labour Party MP Alex Sobel. The APPG is funded by third parties including foreign governments, charities, banks, and oil companies, who use APPG to reach lawmakers and influence policies. Meanwhile, arms companies will naturally get attracted to conflict areas since it means more arm sales. Moreover, Indonesia was the 2nd largest UK arms importer in 2014, reaching USD 306 million.

Interestingly, there are 3 particular British groups: The Bellingcat open-source investigation team, the Green Party of England and Wales, and the NGO Tapol UK, that have been actively raising the Free Papua issue and “surprisingly” also shared the very same donor namely the Sigrid Rausing Trust. Shouldn’t you guys find it such an odd coincidence that there are 3 groups exploiting the same conflict and with the same donor at that?

That is how the Free Papua separatists, like Benny Wenda in the UK or Herman Wainggai in the US, pay for their living costs and separatism activities abroad. Have the media ever investigated the story behind the 4 presidents of West Papua? In 2011, Forkorus Yaboisembut claimed to be the President of West Papua. Followed in 2020 by Michael Karet from FWPNG, Benny Wenda from ULMWP, and Jeffrey Bomanak from the OPM also call themselves the President of West Papua. With 4 different Presidents of West Papua, have the media ever questioned if the Free Papua Movement is a struggle for Papuans or only for groups’ interest?

7 . Is it true that there are human rights violations in West Papua?

We, as Indonesians, admit that there were gross human rights violations in the past. But it has been decades… But we are now changing. We put a lot of effort into tackling and solving human rights issues in West Papua. There used to be human rights violations in the militaristic era in Indonesia, but after 1998 Indo turned into democracy and now the biggest human rights violators are separatists, but now the West Papua separatist is an actor who often violates human rights in west papua.

There have been conflicts created by the armed group for the sake of spotlight, money and power. On Dec 1st 2018, armed separatists OPM TPNPB ruthlessly massacred 19 workers in Nduga. Armed separatist group also using children as their soldiers, kidnapping and raping women, and killed 62 people during 2018-2020 and committed 46 violence actions in 2020.

This Photo taken before the massacre of 19 Trans Papua road workers by Armed Separatist Groups.

Recent academic research from Gadjah Mada University (2020) found that the armed separatists have been doing 118 acts of violence in West Papua from 2010 to May 2020. Armed separatists are causing suffering to Papuans and are nothing more than power freak terrorists wanting to gain power by taking up arms and hiding behind the guise of a struggle.

Indonesia has been seriously trying to resolve all the human rights cases and allegations of human rights abuses and of safeguarding the protection of the rights of Papuans and other Indonesians.

President Joko Widodo also has personally directed for the relevant authorities to take actions to bring justice to human rights cases in Papua.

In 2020, the Indonesian Government set up a National Joint Team under the Coordinating Minister of Political, Law and Security Affairs consisting of representatives from many agencies and stakeholders. The Team is tasked to address past violations of human rights cases, including in Papua. In its first task to investigate the murders of two civilians (one of them a pastor) and two security personnel, after a thorough investigation, the Team made the following conclusion:

a).The armed separatists had been proven as the murderer of Chief Sergeant Sahlan and Chief Pratu Dwi Akbar Utomo and a civilian, Badawi on 17 September 2020.

Serka Sahlan

Pratu Dwi Akbar Utomo

b). The death of Pastor Yeremia Zanambani on 19 September 2020 will be resolved according to prevailing laws, both criminal laws, and state administrative laws.

The team's swift action shows how Indonesia has been serious in bringing the murderers, whoever they were, to meet justice and that the judicial system is above these criminals.
Furthermore, the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has set up Papua’s Representative Office led by Frits Ramandey, to facilitate with the effort to promote and protect human rights.

8. Are the Free Papua separatists fighting for the rights of the West Papuans?

Actually, On 1 July 2019, the leader of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), Benny Wenda, made a formal declaration that all the armed groups in West Papua are under ULMWP’s command. This declaration is called the Vanimo Declaration.
This Vanimo Declaration formalises the chain of command that has long existed between the ULMWP and a number of criminal armed groups in Papua.
These groups were responsible for the massacre of 19 road workers in Nduga, Papua in December 2018 and of many other murders including:
The murder of nine civilians and two police officers in Nduga, Papua, November 2018 to March 2019;The murder of Berry Pratama, a police officer and the wounding of Joe Hatch, an American worker, October 2017;The murder of Yuni Yesra, a teacher and Simon, a construction worker, September 2016.
Also, ULMWP is an organization whose majority of members are now located abroad, such as the chairman of ULMWP, Benny Wenda, who now lives in the UK since October 2002. They can only make a living by selling the Free Papua issue since the separatists abroad did not have a stable job/profession. There was even a 3500 Euro transfer receipt from John K from Papua New Guinea to Benny Wenda.

EUR 3,500 transfer proof from John K from Papua New Guinea to Benny Wenda.

Stephen Sackur in the BBC’s Hardtalk program had confronted Benny Wenda about the Free Papua movement. However, Benny Wenda’s answers are :

Stephen Sackur: “Do you accept that some Papuan separatists are not only armed, but are using those arms to kill other Indonesians including the 19 road workers in Nduga, Papua?”

Benny Wenda: “Under my leadership, we always maintain peace.”

Stephen Sackur: “It is important to get down to basics here. There are many allegations that armed militants are working as Papuan separatists, and you of course as the exiled leader of the main umbrella separtist organisation. They have conducted operations and they are deemed to have been responsible for the murders of those construction workers last December (19 road workers murdered in December 2018) yes or no?

Benny Wenda: “This is propaganda done by Indonesia.”

Despite his dances around Sackur’s questions, the facts speak for themselves. Benny Wenda declared that he and his organisation is in command of all the political and armed groups in Papua. His armed group is responsible for the massacre of 19 road workers and other murders.

Profile Benny Wenda

The before and after images of the massacre of 19 road workers in Nduga, Papua, December 2018:

9). Do Indonesians consider West Papuans Indonesian?

Indonesian do consider West Papuan as Indonesian. The people out there still think there are still so many misconceptions about Indonesia from a foreigner's perspective.

Source: deranugraha.com
Indonesia’s Map

According to the National Statistical Bureau of Indonesia (BPS Indonesia) survey in 2010, Indonesia consists of more than 300 ethnic groups and 1340 different tribes and also 6 officially recognized religions. Of course the so-called minority ethnic groups like Acehnese, Chinese-Indonesian, Dayak, Timorese, and West Papuan also belong here.

Source: Akurat.co.id
Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Yohana Yembise.

Other evidence that shows Indonesian treat West Papuan equally, just like other ethnic groups is, Indonesia previously had an ethnic Papuan minister and first female Papuan professor, named Prof. Dr. Yohana Yembise. This shows that every Indonesian has an equal right to do their best.

10). How are non-Papuan migrants treated in West Papua?

West Papuans are one of the kindest communities in the world. They live their life with smiles and carefree attitude. They never hesitated to ask about your day or your work and make small talk every time we met. There are also many migrants living here such as Maduran, Padang, Javanese, and many others. It turns out, the native people are pretty much equal in treating us, migrants.

Special Staff of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Lenis Kogoya (left) accompanied by the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini (third right) with a number of students taking a group photo at the Surabaya Mayor's Office, East Java (20/8/2019).

Javanese never feel being treated differently because Indonesian people are so used to living in differences and we are proud to live with our country's motto, Bhineka Tunggal Ika which means “Unity in Diversity”. That is a symbol which had been taught by our ancestors.

Refuse to forget
the victims

The Free Papua Movement within the country has often committed acts of violence against both civilians and security forces. This action is not justified by the Indonesian government. Actions that threaten and eliminate life are considered as criminal acts.

Infographics on the Armed Separatists Group crime in 2020.

Therefore, in the end, the government named the separatist group who committed this violent crime as the Armed Separatists Group. The following is a list of some of the crimes they have committed in the past three years:

In 2020 there were at least more than five attacks by armed criminal groups, along with details of the cases;

February 26th, 2020
Armed Separatist opened fire on a security post and hit Yosman Wasiangge and Waslina Tabuni who were gathering to burn stones. It is known that Yosman Wasiangge, a Nduga resident, was seriously injured by the Armed Separatist’s shot on the back and Waslina Tabuni, a Nduga resident, was shot dead by an Armed Separatist through the neck. The two victims were Papuans. The shooting of the 2 Kenyam residents can be seen at the link https://bit.ly/3qJglee .

Yosman Wasiangge (20) and Waslina Tabuni (25), Kenyam citizens, victims of the armed separatist’s brutality.

March 2nd, 2020
Armed Separatists opened fire on Tembagapura residents who were taking shelter behind the security forces.

Source: Kompas
Screenshot of officers protecting mothers and children taking refuge from armed separatist gunfire in Tembagapura.

March 30th, 2020
Armed Separatist shot Freeport workers, 1 New Zealand citizen was killed, and 7 workers were injured.

Source: Suara.com & Facebook
A Series of Shots at PT Freeport, a New Zealand foreigner.

May 22nd, 2020
Armed Separatists shot 2 medical workers of Covid-19 task force who were delivering medicines in Intan Jaya, 1 dead and 1 in critical condition.

Source: Tempo.com
PM shot 2 medical personnel delivering Covid 19 medicine at Intan Jaya, May 22, 2020

May 29th, 2020
The armed separatist mutilated a farmer, Yunus Sani (a native Papuan), because he was accused of being a spy for Indonesia.

Source: Suara.com
Farmers in Papua were shot and mutilated at Intan Jaya, May 29, 2020.

August 17th, 2020
Armed Separatist carried out a shooting injuring the cheek of one of the Nduga residents.

August 31st, 2020
The TPNPB-OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo stated that they was responsible for the murder of two masons and a wood censor at Dekai Yahukimo.

Source: Suarapapua
OPM killed two masons near Yahukimo, 31 August 2020.

September 17th, 2020
The Armed Separatist Group killed one motorcycle taxi driver in Intan Jaya after two days earlier also attacked two other motorcycle drivers.

Source: Kompas.com
The Armed Separatists Group killed a motorcycle driver in Intan Jaya, 17 September 2020.

Source: Kumparan
The motorcycle taxi driver killed by armed separatist in Intan Jaya, 17 September 2020.

September 19th, 2020
Badawi died after his hand was cut by the armed separatist in Sugapa, Intan Jaya, 3 hours after the death of Serka Sahlan. Regarding Badawi news, please see the link https://bit.ly/2VSNsOr

Source: Republika.co.id
Badawi, a motorcycle driver who was killed by the armed separatist in Sugapa.

September 19th, 2020
Pratu Dwi Akbar Utomo died after a shootout occurred with the armed separatists at the Hitadipa Koramil post, Intan Jaya Regency. When killing Pratu Dwi Akbar Utomo, armed separatists openly celebrated in the post https://bit.ly/39Wq3E2

Source 1: Aceh.tribunnews
Source 2: Bogopapua
Pratu Dwi Akbar Utomo, a security force who was shot by armed separatist on September 19th, 2019 in Intan Jaya Regency.

November 20th, 2020
Atanius Murib and Amanus Murib, are alleged to have been shot by members of the armed separatist in Puncak Regency, Papua. The two victims were about to travel from Gome District to their hometowns when the incident took place. Previously, the victim was rushed to the Ilaga hospital by the community around the scene. However, unfortunately Atanius Murib was reported to have died, while Amanus Murib was seriously injured. News link: http://bit.ly/2KHiTc3

Atanius murib (16 years) (left) and Amanus murib (16 years) (right) were shot by armed separatist on 20 November 2020, Puncak Regency, Papua.

Source: apnews
Child soldiers used by armed separatist in West Papua.

December 11st, 2020
An evangelist in Maybrat Regency, Papua, died after being persecuted by an armed separatists group. This incident occurred during an attack in Sory Village, Aifat District.

Source: Inews
One evangelist died and the other got injured after being shot by an armed separatist in Maybrat, Papua.

The number of victims of shooting cases in 2019 decreased by two people from the previous year. Quoted from BBC.com, there were 23 shootings in 2019. From that cases, 20 people were being killed, 10 people were civilians and 10 people were security forces. The following is a list of the major crimes committed by the armed separatist in 2019;

The number of victims of shooting cases in 2019 decreased by two people from the previous year. Quoted from BBC.com, there were 23 shootings in 2019. From these cases, 20 people were killed, 10 civilians and 10 security forces. The following is a list of major crimes committed by the armed separatist in 2019;

January 18th, 2019
First Private Makamu, a security force who was on duty delivering logistics died in a gun battle with an armed criminal group (KKB) in Yambi District, Puncak Jaya, Papua on Friday (1/18/2019).

Source: Inews
Pratu Makamu, a security force who was on duty when delivering logistics died in a gun battle with an armed criminal group (KKB) in Yambi District, Puncak Jaya, Papua on Friday (1/18/2019).

May 2019
A photo released by the armed separatist OPM-TPNPB in May 2019 showing several youths and children who are child soldiers and are members of the armed separatist OPM-TPNPB.

Source : apnews

August 12th, 2019
First Police Brigadier Heidar was found dead after being held hostage by the armed separatist group in Usir District, Puncak Regency.

Source: Kompas
First Police Brigadier Heidar, a member of the Papua Regional Police's Direskrim died after being held hostage by armed separatist group in Puncak Regency, Papua on Monday (12/08/2019)

September 16th, 2019
A security force officer, First Private Sirwandi was shot dead by armed separatist around Lake Habema, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua. The perpetrator of the shooting was an armed separatists that led by Egianus Kogoya.

Source: Radar.com
Baharudin and Ramlah showed a photo of their son, First Private Sirwandi M Sahidillah, who died as a result of being shot by armed separatist in West Papua.

September 17th, 2019
Three civilians were killed and four others suffered from gunshot wounds in Olenki Village, South Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, Papua

Military troops ambushed by armed separatist in Papua, 3 civilians killed and 4 injured.

Source: Salampapua
Photo: Pangdam XVII / Cenderawasih TNI Maj. Herman Asaribab while visiting one of the civilian victims who was being treated at the Mimika Regional Hospital and a photo of a survivor from a gun battle between the military and armed separatist group in Ilaga, Puncak Regency.

September 23rd, 2019
Riots occurred on 23 September 2019 in Wamena, Jayawijaya Regency. The protestors mobilized by the armed separatist were anarchic and burned down residents' houses, government offices, and several community stalls in a rioting allegedly triggered by hoaxes about a teacher who made racist remarks at school. News source: http://bit.ly/2M0ooDz

Source: regional kompas
The riot in Wamena Papua which was allegedly carried out by armed separatist group that occurred on 23 September 2019

September 26th, 2019
Two civilians were shot by armed separatist group around the Muara suspension bridge, Amunggi Village, Ilaga District, Puncak Regency, Papua

Source: Inews
The bodies of 2 victims of the shooting in Puncak Papua returned to their hometown.

October 25th, 2019
Armed separatists led by Lekagak Telenggen committed terror against civilians in Hitadipa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Papua. A total of three motorcycle taxi drivers named Rizal (31), Herianto (31), and La Soni (25) were shot dead. The three of them have been working to serve public transportation in the Sugapa District area. The three victims suffered gunshot wounds to the head and incision wounds caused by sharp weapons all over their bodies. The news about the shooting of 3 motorcycle taxi drivers here can be seen on the news https://bit.ly/3n0CTEV

Rizal (31), Herianto (31), and La Soni (25), the motorcycle taxi drivers who were shot dead by KSB in Intan Jaya.

October 29th, 2019
Armed separatist group triggered horizontal conflicts by rioting in 2 (two) locations. In Wamena there were 224 cars, 150 motorbikes, 465 stores, 165 houses and 5 offices burned while 15 others were severely damaged, 33 people died in Wamena while in Jayapura 4 people died. Regarding the news on the Wamena and Jayapura riots, please see the link https://bit.ly/2LkGBv7

Source : Tribun
The situation was tense in Wamena after the riots.

December 2019
Nduga refugees were forced to flee to the forest due to security disturbances by the armed separatists group. Some became victims due to lack of relief supplies. Source: http://bit.ly/3nImyoE

Source: liputan 6
Nduga refugee children in Wamena in December 2019 in Jayawijaya Regency.

December 18th, 2019
Two military soldiers, Captain Anumerta Erizal Zuhri Sidabutar and Military Officer Anumerta Rizky, died in a shootout with an armed separatist group at Intan Jaya.

Source: Pojoksatu
Anumerta Erizal Zuhri Sidabutar died in a shootout between the Military Law Enforcement Task Force (Gakum) and the Armed Separatist Group in Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Papua, Tuesday (17/12/2019)

Quoted from CNN.com, there were 26 cases of shootings in 2018. From these cases, 29 people were killed which consisted of 22 civilians and 7 security forces. The following cases of timeline are;

February 12nd, 2018
The victim is First Private SN who was shot while shopping for logistics at Sinak Market, Puncak Jaya.

Source: BBC.com & Radar.com
1 security force was shot to death by armed separatist around Sinak Market, Sinak District, Puncak Regency, Papua on February 12th, 2018.

April 6th, 2018
The victims from Arwanop Village, Tembagapura, Mimika were taken hostage.

Source: Merdeka.com

April 19th, 2018
The 13 teachers in Arwanop Village, Tembagapura, Mimika were successfully evacuated from hostage.

Source: News Detik
The troops evacuate teachers from the Arwanop valley after being held hostage by the armed separatist criminal group (KKSB) in West Papua (04/19/2018)

June 12nd, 2018
A series of shootings occurred during the election process for the governor in Nduga.

June 16th, 2018
The victim, a security force from Kodim 1417 / Puncak Jaya, was hit by gunfire during an Eid patrol in Yambi district, Puncak Jaya, West Papua.

Source: The Jakartapost
Security force was shot during patrol in Yambi Puncak Jaya, West Papua.

June 22nd, 2018
The victim of the Dimonim airplane from Timika who was carrying 15 security forces of Brimob assistance to secure the West Papua governor election.

Source: Okezone.com
Dimonim airplane which was shot down by the Armed Group at Nduga Airport.

June 25th, 2018
The victim of the PK-YRU Twin Otter Trigana Air plane which carrying 15 security forces of Brimob assistance at Kenyam Airport.

Source: Inews.com
The chartered aircraft belonging to the Trigana Air airline carrying a group of troops under operational control (BKO) of Brimob Regional Police of Papua was hit by bullets while landing at the Kenyam Airport Runway, Nduga Regency, West Papua, on Monday (06/25/2018)

June 26th, 2018
The victims were a policeman and three people, killed by gunfire. They disappeared on the day of the regional head elections (Pilkada).

Source: BBC.com
The authorities are on guard during the legislative elections on April 10th, 2009.

Source: Tempo.com
Photo: Evacuation of one of the victims of the armed separatist’s attack in Kenyam, Nduga Regency.

3 Kenyam residents were shot to dead by armed separatist in Nduga after shots were fired at Trigana's plane on June 25th, 2018.

July 6th, 2018
Victims of Brimob personnel securing Kenyam Airport.

Source: okezone
Bharada Rafindo Refli Sagala, Brimob personnel, a victim of armed separatist shooting in Nduga, West Papua was being evacuated to Mimika.

July 11st, 2018
A police helicopter delivering foodstuff was shot during a shootout between the security forces and armed separatists in Alguru Village, Kenyam District, Nduga at 11.17 am - 5.00 pm.

Sumber : beritasatu
Three victims were killed by shooting and stabbing carried out by KSB around Kenyam
Airport, Nduga Regency, Papua Province, arriving at Mozes Kilangin Airport, Timika, Monday

October 17th, 2018
The victims of 16 teachers and medical personnel were rescued from the armed separatist’s hostage. They were held hostage since October 3rd, 2018.

Source: CNN.com
16 teachers and medical personnel were rescued from the armed separatist’s hostage.

November 2nd, 2018
The victim was a driver named Yanmar who drove passengers to Popone village, Mokoni district, Lanny Jaya district.

Source: Proking internasional
A motorcycle taxi driver in Lanny Jaya district, West Papua was shot dead by armed separatist on November 2nd, 2018.

November 12th, 2018
The victim was a motorcycle taxi driver after accompanying passengers in Waringambur District, Lanny Jaya Regency.

Source: Merdeka.com
1 motorcycle driver was shot by armed separatist in Lanny Jaya on November 12th, 2018.

December 2nd, 2018
The victims were workers for the Trans Papua route bridge project in Kali Yigi and Kali Aurak, Nduga Regency.

Source: Westpapua

December 3rd, 2018
The victim of a security force at Infantry Battalion 755/Yalet Post, Mbua District, Nduga District, 1 personnel was injured and 1personnel was killed.

Security forces assisted by residents prepare coffins for victims of shooting by a criminal group in Nduga Regency, West Papua on December 2nd, 2018.

December 5th, 2018
Security forces’ helicopters which become object will evacuate soldiers victims of the armed separatist shootings in Mbua District.

Source: Tribunnews
Security forces’s helicopter was shot while refilling fuel because the fuel oil ran out while evacuating Serda Handoko's body.